Gift Subscriptions

Our-Hometown is happy to introduce our new Gift Subscription feature for use with Memberpress! This feature streamlines the process of a customer ordering a gift, creating a discount/coupon code, and delivering the gift to the recipient in a way that requires no additional action from the publisher. Everything is fully automated.

Here’s how it works:

We will place a Gift Order Form on your website, allowing your readers to purchase subscriptions for family and friends.

The Gift Order Form will collect contact information for both the person buying the gift, and the recipient. The gift-giver will select which membership they’d like to purchase as a gift (all memberships available in Memberpress will be listed), and will then pay the price of that membership.

Once payment is received, the system will generate a one-time use coupon code to be used by the gift recipient. Depending on what was selected in the order form, the coupon code can either be printed out immediately for hand-delivery by the person purchasing the gift, or they can schedule for e-mail delivery at a specific date in the future.

Once the recipient has received their coupon code, they’ll go to the website and “Subscribe” as normal. They’ll select the membership that was gifted to them and enter the coupon code for a 100% discount. Once registered, their account will be active for the terms of their membership.

Are you interested? Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page to let us know if you’d like us to set this up on your site today!

In addition to setting up the Gift Subscription feature, we are offering our customers the opportunity to enroll in our E-mail Marketing Service for an extra $50. Our E-mail Marketing Package includes 6 e-mail newsletters created and delivered by our staff to advertise your new Gift Subscription feature. Each newsletter is centered on a major upcoming holiday or event to help drive readers to purchase gift subscriptions for friends and family.

Read more about our Newsletter Marketing Service here.




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