Naviga CircPro Integration

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The Our-Hometown engineering team working directly with Naviga, has built integrations between MemberPress and the CircPro platform allowing for automatic synchronization of subscriber data.

We’ll demonstrate the integrations through a few common tasks a publisher or customer might perform.

First for publishers, let’s create a combination print-digital account for a new subscriber:

This process is the same MemberPress setup you have traditionally used: entering a customer’s email, delivery address and payment information. However now once the transaction is approved the new account and subscription information will automatically sync with CircPro, creating the new account.

Next for customers and publishers:

If a customer wants to change their subscription term, they can simply visit the subscriptions tab on their account management page and click the Change Plan button to select from the available options. They are then prompted to enter payment information for a prorated amount based upon the newly selected term. Once again, after the transaction has been processed the changes will be automatically synced back to CircPro.

Updating a delivery address is equally straightforward. Simply click the Delivery Address button on the account management page and update the fields as necessary. Once you click Save Changes, the updates are made both in MemberPress and CircPro.

Integrating MemberPress with Naviga’s CirculationPro software

Our-Hometown President and CEO Matt Larson is joined by lead engineer James Harley in this live webinar to introduce our newest feature: Integration with Naviga’s CirculationPro software!

Troubleshooting Naviga Account Recovery

In this quick tutorial we will show the steps for helping a subscriber who is unable to access their account on your website and has reached out through the support form.

And finally, for publishers who are migrating their print subscribers into MemberPress, the account recovery tool on your website provides a simple way to accomplish this. Visit the account recovery page on your website, enter the required search information, in this case the delivery address, and if there is more than one account associated with that address you will be prompted for an individual name to narrow the search.

Once the account has been found the system will then send an invitation link (the same that goes to new subscribers normally with login instructions) and the account is now in MemberPress and synced to CircPro.

If you have any questions or would like more information, don’t hesitate to contact us at

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