Feature Highlights -

Featured Images – A Deep Dive

Featured Images – A Deep Dive

This guide will help you understand how to effectively manage and optimize featured images on your website. If you’ve ever struggled with how your images appear in article widgets, this post will provide you with clear steps to enhance their display.

Create Engaging Newsletters with the OHT Columns Block

Create Engaging Newsletters with the OHT Columns Block

2-Column Layout: [OHT Columns Block] This is an oft-requested layout that our engineering team has implemented: creating 2-column layouts in your newsletters with the OHT Columns Block. This block was initially designed to allow placement of a sidebar of display ads that are currently running on a website. However, you are not restricted to just using the OHT Ads Block with a main post block. In this quick demo we’ll […]

The Newsletter Plugin Gets a Facelift

The Newsletter Plugin Gets a Facelift

Interface Updates Default Dashboards We’re thrilled to announce an exciting update to our newsletter plugin! This update brings a fresh, intuitive interface designed to streamline your workflow and unlock new possibilities for engaging your subscribers. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a tour of the updated interface, highlighting the key improvements and comparing it with the legacy version. Get ready to discover how these changes can elevate your […]

Boost SEO with Author Profiles | OHT Webinar Replay

Boost SEO with Author Profiles | OHT Webinar Replay

Full Webinar Replay Discover how to boost your newspaper’s SEO with our new author profile feature! In this informative webinar, we dive deep into the importance of author profiles and how they can significantly improve your search engine rankings. Learn the differences between bylines and author pages, and how to seamlessly transition from one to the other. We discuss the crucial role of E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authority, Trustworthiness) in SEO […]

Buzzsprout’s New iOS App: A Perfect Partner for Your Audio Articles

Buzzsprout’s New iOS App: A Perfect Partner for Your Audio Articles

We’re delighted to bring to your attention a significant development from Buzzsprout that perfectly complements the Audio Articles feature on your websites: Buzzsprout’s recently introduced iOS app. Seamless Podcast Management With the Buzzsprout iOS app, managing your audio content becomes as mobile as your readers. Update your podcast episodes, check statistics, and even fix typos on the fly. It’s the perfect companion for the busy publisher who values efficiency and mobility. Real-Time […]

LIVE WEBINAR: Introducing Author Profiles

LIVE WEBINAR: Introducing Author Profiles

Our-Hometown invites you to join us on Thursday, March 28th at 3PM EDT for a LIVE WEBINAR introducing the newest feature available on our platform: Author Profiles! The new Author Profiles feature creates a profile page on the website for each author where visitors can read a short biography and find links for the author’s social media profiles. Importantly, the Author Profile page acts as a hub listing other articles […]

The Power of Author Profiles: Boost Your SEO and Brand Trust

The Power of Author Profiles: Boost Your SEO and Brand Trust

In today’s digital landscape, establishing your website and content as reliable, trustworthy sources of information is paramount. In steps SEO authorship – a powerful strategy that connects your content with its creators, boosting your search engine rankings and cementing your brand’s authority. At Our-Hometown, we understand the vital role authorship plays in online success. That’s why we’ve developed robust author profile pages like this one on a customer website. Let’s […]

Turn Archives into Assets: Unleash Website Engagement with Historical Features

Turn Archives into Assets: Unleash Website Engagement with Historical Features

In the fast-paced world of online news, where headlines fade faster than coffee gets cold, it’s easy to underestimate the power of history. But for newspaper publishers, embracing the past can be a strategic goldmine, fostering reader engagement and loyalty in unexpected ways. This is where features like “This Week in History” come in, offering a nostalgic glimpse into the archives and reminding readers of the paper’s long-standing role in […]

The Power of Internal Links for SEO

The Power of Internal Links for SEO

Internal links may seem simple; however, they are an incredibly powerful tool for improving your website’s SEO. By effectively using links between pages on your site, you can enhance user experience, help search engines better understand your content, and distribute “link equity” to pages you want to rank higher. What Are Internal Links?: A hyperlink that connects two pages within the same domain is an internal link. For example, if […]

Introducing Our-Hometown’s Author Profiles: Boost SEO & Trust

Introducing Our-Hometown’s Author Profiles: Boost SEO & Trust

In a recent post, we explored the SEO benefits of author profiles, specifically implementing the E-E-A-T strategy suggested by Google search. Today, we’re excited to unveil Our-Hometown’s customizable author profile solution! This powerful new feature will soon roll out automatically to all our customers, with no action required on your end. How it Works Our new author profile pages will seamlessly leverage your website’s existing Author or Byline fields. Now, […]

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