Matomo Stat Tracking Overview

Our-Hometown offers publishers a comprehensive suite of stats tracking options through the Matomo platform. The information found on your stats page can help your publication to grow its readership and increase engagement.

Pageviews give you a broad idea of how many people are visiting your website. They can be found both on the Matomo Dashboard and in the Overview section of the Visitors tab. You can use this information to help set ad rates and determine which of your content is performing well.

You can see a breakdown of each individual visit in the Visitor’s Log section of the Visitors tab: the location of readers, what devices they used, and from where they reached your website such as social media or search. This is a great way to learn about your readers and their habits when visiting your site.

The Pages section of the Behaviors tab will show you how much traffic each section of the website is getting. You can even see pageviews on individual articles in the Page Titles section.  This can help you to focus your editorial content towards sections that are the most popular with readers.

Under the Acquisition tab, you can create Campaigns that will track specific pages of your website to help you gauge and improve the performance of articles or to boost conversions on your subscription sign-up page.

With access to all of this data, Matomo gives you the ability to ensure that everything you publish is serving your readership’s interests and needs.

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