Top Revenue Opportunities on WordPress

Digital Paywall

Customizable by article limit, timeframe & more! Single day or single issue access also available!

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Unlimited Web Ad Options

Featured advertisers, business directories, up-selling print ads, IAB web ad units, and detailed analytics!

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Newsletter Sponsorships

Run banner ads in the header and footer of newsletters that automatically pull news content from your site!

Business Directories

Use the WordPress "GeoDirectory" plugin to customize the look and functionality of the business directory

Bulk Print Ad Upload

Upload all your PDF ads to the website for extra exposure. Ads automatically create a profile in the business directory.

Featured Advertiser Profiles
Paid Classifieds & Announcements

Easily create forms for "Featured Events" in calendar. Sell print and online classified ads, 24/7

Real Estate and Professional Listings
The GeoDirectory plugin's applications are limited to your imagination.
WordPress Website Development
Help local businesses and organizations setup and manage their online presence on our WordPress platform.


"I don't use anybody but Our Hometown. They are newspaper people and know what issues we face on a daily basis!"
Joe BradyThe Early County News
"We have had a great overall experience with [Our-Hometown]. Everyone has been very helpful and have had a quick turn around any time we have had any issues."
"OHT is always responsive, professional and respectful."
"Really pleased, as a whole, with [Our-Hometown's] tech support... been a real pleasure thus far."
"[Our-Hometown's] support services are wonderful and it is a nice feeling knowing [they] are out there."
Carolyn JamesBabylon Beacon

Features & Services

Our Hometown

The Competition

Prepress CMSCompose and edit content in WordPress CMS. Export articles, images, categories, and editions via XML for import into InDesign. Hot backup of database offsite.Proprietary CMS priced at a point only available to dailies.
Little focus on feature development.
Requires servers on site.
New Feature DevelopmentEngineering Installs, Modifies, and Updates Proprietary & 3rd Party Plugins to match publisher specificationsSlow development time because everything must be custom coded
Hosting and SupportAmazon Web Services cloud hosting for up to 100,000 page views per month included.
24/7 technical support.
Expensive on-site servers with downloaded software
FeesFixed monthly cost for unlimited usersCharge per seat
Contract30 day termination periodMulti-year obligations
Usability and TrainingOur custom-developed WordPress themes are intuitive to use, easy to adjust & include expert training + online documentation.Clunky interface.
Difficult to learn.
© 2025 Our Hometown, Inc. - All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy
17 Pleasant Street Clifton Springs, NY 14432
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Interested in a new website for your newspaper, publication, or digital start-up?

Look no further! Our-Hometown is your one-stop solution for all of your digital publishing needs. Contact Us today for a free quote and customized prototype website for you and your staff to experience the Our-Hometown WordPress Publishing Platform first hand!