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Embrace the Block Editor: Accelerating Your Digital News Production

Embrace the Block Editor: Accelerating Your Digital News Production

The WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) represents a significant evolution in content creation, offering particular advantages for newspaper publishers looking to streamline their digital operations. At a time when publishing speed and visual presentation are paramount, the Block Editor provides tools that can transform your newsroom’s productivity and content quality. Our newspaper clients who have made the switch are reporting remarkable improvements in their publishing workflows and reader engagement metrics. The […]

Block Editor Updates — New Layout Features

Block Editor Updates — New Layout Features

In this post we’ll take a look at often-used Layout blocks and some of the new feature and interface updates. Layout Blocks Group Block The Group block brings together other blocks inside one container so that you can set a background color, adjust spacing, and organize different page sections. In addition to being able to choose between the four different Group layouts when you initially add a Group block, you can also […]

Article Widget Customization: A Complete Guide

Article Widget Customization: A Complete Guide

In this post we will go through the majority of available customization options for the Article Widgets that display article excerpts and links in various layouts on your website.

Featured Images – A Deep Dive

Featured Images – A Deep Dive

This guide will help you understand how to effectively manage and optimize featured images on your website. If you’ve ever struggled with how your images appear in article widgets, this post will provide you with clear steps to enhance their display.

Create Engaging Newsletters with the OHT Columns Block

Create Engaging Newsletters with the OHT Columns Block

2-Column Layout: [OHT Columns Block] This is an oft-requested layout that our engineering team has implemented: creating 2-column layouts in your newsletters with the OHT Columns Block. This block was initially designed to allow placement of a sidebar of display ads that are currently running on a website. However, you are not restricted to just using the OHT Ads Block with a main post block. In this quick demo we’ll […]

Journal Publishing’s Award-Winning Work Recognized by North Dakota Newspaper Association

Journal Publishing’s Award-Winning Work Recognized by North Dakota Newspaper Association

We’re delighted to report that Journal Publishing, one of our valued customers, has taken home an impressive 49 awards overall in the North Dakota Newspaper Association’s annual Better Newspaper Contest! This includes 15 first-place awards, demonstrating their dedication to excellence in journalism. The awards recognize outstanding work published in 2023, and we’re thrilled to see Journal Publishing receive accolades for their reporting staff’s coverage of the Divide County School District. […]

Send us a PDF!

Send us a PDF!

Your prototype awaits . . . Regular email services have size limitations, making them unsuitable for sending large files common to production work (like high-resolution images, pdfs, or design files).  That’s why the following services are better choices: File-Sharing Services Stand-alone Options WeTransfer How it Works: Upload your files and WeTransfer generates a download link to share with our production team. Recipients don’t need a WeTransfer account to download the […]

Make Awesome Animated GIFs with Photoshop

Make Awesome Animated GIFs with Photoshop

Welcome to a quick tutorial from Our-Hometown. We recently revamped the design of a customer newsletter page to include a Google map with pins representing the featured publishers in the region. The publisher wanted to include this map highlight in the email version of the newsletter, so we decided to create an animated GIF showcasing each publisher as a teaser to engage readers. Today, I’ll guide you through creating your […]

The Power of Internal Links for SEO

The Power of Internal Links for SEO

Internal links may seem simple; however, they are an incredibly powerful tool for improving your website’s SEO. By effectively using links between pages on your site, you can enhance user experience, help search engines better understand your content, and distribute “link equity” to pages you want to rank higher. What Are Internal Links?: A hyperlink that connects two pages within the same domain is an internal link. For example, if […]

Introducing Our-Hometown’s Author Profiles: Boost SEO & Trust

Introducing Our-Hometown’s Author Profiles: Boost SEO & Trust

In a recent post, we explored the SEO benefits of author profiles, specifically implementing the E-E-A-T strategy suggested by Google search. Today, we’re excited to unveil Our-Hometown’s customizable author profile solution! This powerful new feature will soon roll out automatically to all our customers, with no action required on your end. How it Works Our new author profile pages will seamlessly leverage your website’s existing Author or Byline fields. Now, […]

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Look no further! Our-Hometown is your one-stop solution for all of your digital publishing needs. Contact Us today for a free quote and customized prototype website for you and your staff to experience the Our-Hometown WordPress Publishing Platform first hand!