
September, 2019 -

Using Polls on your Website

Using Polls on your Website

Online Polls are one of the easiest ways to interact with your website visitors. Polls can be used to collect data and feedback, host a small voting contest, or gauge reader interest in any number of topics. With local elections just around the corner, polling readers on who they’ve voted for or who they intend to vote for would be a great use of the feature. ProTip > Using polls on […]

Look for Our Hometown at the Missouri Press Association’s 153rd Annual Convention, September 26- 28, 2019

Look for Our Hometown at the Missouri Press Association’s 153rd Annual Convention, September 26- 28, 2019

This year’s Missouri Press Association Annual Convention is being held September 26 – 28, 2019 in Kansas City! Members will gather at the Kansas City Hotel and Casino for two days where they will be addressing the pressing business objectives of community newspaper owners, publishers and senior staff with educational sessions, a vendor exhibit hall, and networking opportunities throughout. Our Hometown’s, Deb Blanchard, will be at the convention talking about how […]

Newsletter Marketing Opportunities for Publishers

Newsletter Marketing Opportunities for Publishers

As a customer of Our-Hometown, you’re probably aware that you can use the included Newsletter plugin to send e-mails to your subscribers and anyone else who has enrolled in your mailing list. What you might not know is just how valuable this mailing list is to local businesses and advertisers looking to market themselves to a new audience. Take advantage of the data you’ve collected and use it to generate […]

Feature Update: Captions on Photo Galleries included when Multi-Site Publishing

Feature Update: Captions on Photo Galleries included when Multi-Site Publishing

Our engineers have been working hard all summer to deliver new features and improve functionality throughout our websites. While we’ve introduced some major software updates this year, recently we rolled out an update to enhance existing features based on feedback from our customers. Feature Update: Captions on Photo Galleries included when Multi-Site Publishing Multi-site publishing is a fantastic tool we offer as a way to share articles and photo galleries between […]

Publisher Interview: The 5 Point Digital Advertising Platform

Publisher Interview: The 5 Point Digital Advertising Platform

In this month’s Publisher Interview, Guy Roginson of SignalsAZ.com joined Matt Larson once again, this time to discuss how he is leveraging FIVE different forms of digital advertising available on our platform in a single campaign for a large client. In this campaign, Guy put together a package for his client that utilizes virtually all of the major advertising tools that we offer to benefit both the advertiser as well […]

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Look no further! Our-Hometown is your one-stop solution for all of your digital publishing needs. Contact Us today for a free quote and customized prototype website for you and your staff to experience the Our-Hometown WordPress Publishing Platform first hand!