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The WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) represents a significant evolution in content creation, offering particular advantages for newspaper publishers looking to streamline their digital operations. At a time when publishing speed and visual presentation are paramount, the Block Editor provides tools that can transform your newsroom’s productivity and content quality. Our newspaper clients who have made the switch are reporting remarkable improvements in their publishing workflows and reader engagement metrics. The […]
The following column was contributed by our friend and colleague, Kevin Slimp. We hope you enjoy the content and consider registering for his next webinar as part of the Kevin Slimp Webinar Series — available free to Our-Hometown customers! It has already been a busy summer, and I’m not sure summer has officially begun yet (It’s June 1 as I write this). Upon returning from my latest trip – to […]
Your prototype awaits . . . Regular email services have size limitations, making them unsuitable for sending large files common to production work (like high-resolution images, pdfs, or design files). That’s why the following services are better choices: File-Sharing Services Stand-alone Options WeTransfer How it Works: Upload your files and WeTransfer generates a download link to share with our production team. Recipients don’t need a WeTransfer account to download the […]
Attention Our-Hometown customers, If you’re using the online payment gateway Stripe to process payments through your website, please be aware that you may be required to verify or update your business and/or account ownership information in order to continue using Stripe. We urge you to take a few minutes to login to your Stripe Dashboard and check for any notifications from Stripe requesting this information. In addition to the dashboard […]
In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), publishers are finding themselves at a crossroads. The emergence of generative artificial intelligence (G-AI) systems has brought about a technological revolution, but with it comes a pressing question: How do we protect our creative content in this new digital age? The Challenge: A recent white paper by the News-Media Alliance highlights a critical issue facing publishers today—the pervasive copying of expressive […]
In the digital age, the symbiotic relationship between social media platforms and news websites has crafted a narrative of interconnected growth and mutual benefit. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter/X have long served as significant traffic conduits, channeling curious readers to news websites. However, as the digital landscape evolves, a noticeable shift is occurring in this erstwhile robust relationship. Recent trends depict a significant decline in social media referrals to newspaper […]
Kevin shares what he learned while critiquing papers in Colorado The following is a guest post contributed by our friend and partner, Kevin Slimp! A funny thing happened to me in Denver a few days ago while I was in town to speak at the Colorado Press Association Convention. I had just finished my fourth presentation of the weekend. The topic was “Designing a Better Newspaper.” Most of the folks […]
The following is a Guest Column contributed by our friend and colleague Kevin Slimp ahead of our September webinar, “Combining the Power of Photoshop & InDesign” on the 15th! Younger readers might not know what I’m writing about when I mention Facebook “memories.” Still, most of you are familiar with those daily reminders that pop up each morning to remind you of what you were doing one, two, or even […]
Our-Hometown will be hosting a LIVE WEBINAR on Protecting Your Content from AI next month on September 21st at 2PM Eastern. With so much focus lately on new AI technologies and the limitless potential they represent for news publishers, one negative that has often gone overlooked is the risk of AI scraping your content without your permission. One way that AI language models train themselves to remain current is to […]
Our-Hometown, Inc. will be hosting a LIVE WEBINAR on Reverse Publishing AI Generated Content later this month on July 20th at 3PM Eastern. We’ve recently hosted live webinars on AI Generated Content and AI Generated Imagery, demonstrating how publishers can leverage the power of popular AI models like ChatGPT and DALL-E to produce written articles and related stock imagery for their websites. Now, we’re ready to tie it all together and demonstrate how […]