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Digital Marketing in 2022 brought to you by Our-Hometown

Digital Marketing in 2022 brought to you by Our-Hometown

Over the past several years, Our-Hometown has evolved into much more than just a website provider for newspapers. In addition to all of the tools and features we’ve developed specifically for news publishers, we’re able to provide our customers with additional resources such as LIVE Webinars & Virtual Conferences, free training sessions, and direct connections with industry experts such as The News Guru, Kevin Slimp. You can expect more of […]

Live Webinar: SEO for Newspapers – January 27th, 2022 at 12PM EST

Live Webinar: SEO for Newspapers – January 27th, 2022 at 12PM EST

Our-Hometown is excited to announce the first major LIVE WEBINAR event of the new year for news publishers: SEO For Newspapers on January 27th, 2022 at 12PM EST. Search Engine Optimization (SEO), put simply, refers to the practice of improving your website’s performance in search results across major search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Generally speaking, a website that performs better in search results is more likely to see […]

Today in News Tech to interview Mather Economics’ Arvid Tchivzhel

Today in News Tech to interview Mather Economics’ Arvid Tchivzhel

On behalf of our friends at Today in News Tech, Our-Hometown is happy to extend an invitation to all of our customers to attend a special LIVE interview with Mr. Arvid Tchivzhel, the Managing Director of the Digital Consulting Practice at Mather Economics! Today in News Tech recently discussed one of Tchivzhel’s Mather Economics articles, “Revenue Models Based on Newspaper Subscribers” for their video podcast, and are excited to have […]

Kevin Slimp: Why I Joined Forces with Our-Hometown to Train Community Newspapers Online

Kevin Slimp: Why I Joined Forces with Our-Hometown to Train Community Newspapers Online

Don’t tell anyone, but I must be older than I look. I started offering online training long before most people knew such a thing existed. 20 years ago, I worked with a production company in Indianapolis that hosted and produced my monthly webinars for newspapers. It was quite the production. My favorite part of each webinar was when the announcer would introduce me by saying, “And now, coming to you […]

Reviving Newspapers in Digital News Deserts

Reviving Newspapers in Digital News Deserts

Join Our-Hometown President & CEO Matthew Larson later this month for another LIVE WEBINAR EVENT focusing on Reviving Newspapers in Digital News Deserts, hosted by our friends and partners at Online Media Campus. The presentation is scheduled for November 18th at 2PM EST. In the presentation, Larson will identify ways for newspapers to expand their digital outreach and take advantage of the massive online audience waiting to consume the news […]

Our-Hometown sponsoring NENPA Virtual Conference this week

Our-Hometown sponsoring NENPA Virtual Conference this week

Our-Hometown is incredibly excited to help out our friends at the New England Newspapers & Press Association as a Platinum Sponsor for their upcoming 2021 New England Newspaper Conference, taking place virtually this Thursday & Friday. Day one of the event will feature a Revenue Roundtable where publishers, editors and ad directors will share ideas and innovations geared towards increasing revenue, as well as an Editors Roundtable where a number […]

25 Years of Automating Digital Publishing for Newspapers

25 Years of Automating Digital Publishing for Newspapers

Our-Hometown, Inc. is excited to invite you to join us once again for a LIVE webinar, 25 Years of Automating Digital Publishing for Newspapers, on Thursday, November 4th at 12PM EST. This special webinar will focus on the history of Our-Hometown, Inc. as host Matthew Larson takes attendees on a trip down memory lane, highlighting the achievements and milestones the family business has achieved since its inception in 1997. Originally […]

Kevin Slimp: Getting People to Pick Up Your Paper

Kevin Slimp: Getting People to Pick Up Your Paper

The next in a series of webinars hosted by “The News Guru” Kevin Slimp and brought to our customers free of charge by Our-Hometown is scheduled for Thursday, July 29th at 2:00pm EST and will focus on Getting People to Pick Up Your Paper! “Don’t miss out as the “News Guru” discusses new research, information from recent focus groups, insights and more related to getting people to pick up your paper. Kevin will […]

Kevin Slimp: Mastering Adobe InDesign Styles

Kevin Slimp: Mastering Adobe InDesign Styles

The next in a series of webinars hosted by “The News Guru” Kevin Slimp and brought to our customers free of charge by Our-Hometown is scheduled for Thursday, September 9th at 12:00pm EST and will focus on Mastering Adobe InDesign Styles! “Some of the most powerful tools in InDesign are the styles. Most users are only familiar with one or two of them. Some don’t know anything about them. Not to worry. In […]

Our-Hometown to present on Email Newsletter Basics

Our-Hometown to present on Email Newsletter Basics

Our-Hometown, Inc. president & CEO Matthew Larson has been invited to give a live webinar presentation in conjunction with America’s Newspapers, this time on the topic of Email Newsletter Basics, on July 15th beginning at 2PM Eastern. The America’s Newspapers website describes the event as follows: Email newsletters are a key component of any business’ marketing toolkit. Unlike social media marketing, which uses top-secret algorithms to distribute content, the email […]

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Interested in a new website for your newspaper, publication, or digital start-up?

Look no further! Our-Hometown is your one-stop solution for all of your digital publishing needs. Contact Us today for a free quote and customized prototype website for you and your staff to experience the Our-Hometown WordPress Publishing Platform first hand!