How do I add a video to a story?

  1. Log in to your website by clicking the Login button at the top of your newspaper’s homepage.
  2. Navigate to the story you wish to add the video to. In other words, click on the story’s headline so that you are viewing the full text of the story.
  3. Click the Edit tab that appears above the story’s headline.
  4. On the Edit page, scroll down to the bottom of the page. There should be a purple tab labeled “Extra”. Click this and the controls for uploading a video should appear to the right.
  5. Under the Videos heading, click Browse (Windows) or Choose Files (Mac) to select a video file from your computer, then click Upload to begin uploading it to the story. Most standard video formats will be accepted (AVI, MOV, MPG, FLV and MP4). The video file may not exceed 512 MB in size. We recommend posting videos less than 10 minutes long.
  6. Once the video has been uploaded (which can take several minutes for a large file), the file selection box will disappear and be replaced with the video’s filename and file size.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the Edit page and click Save Story.
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