Create Engaging Newsletters with the OHT Columns Block

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2-Column Layout:

[OHT Columns Block]

This is an oft-requested layout that our engineering team has implemented: creating 2-column layouts in your newsletters with the OHT Columns Block.

This block was initially designed to allow placement of a sidebar of display ads that are currently running on a website. However, you are not restricted to just using the OHT Ads Block with a main post block.

In this quick demo we’ll show how to ad a Single Post Block, along with an Image in the sidebar. We’ll then create a second 2-column layout for the headings. (Click the thumbnails for a slideshow view).

Wake Weekly Newsletter
Creating your first 2-column layout

1. Add an image widget first to place on the right (sidebar)

2. Add the Single Post Widget below (it will be placed on the left)

3. Add the OHT Columns Block immediately ABOVE the two others.

4. Click the Make Columns buttons and the two blocks will be placed.

5. Click Apply to return to the Blocks palette. The OHT Columns block will be removed from the main layout and you are left with just your two blocks in the 2-column layout.


1. Add two Heading Blocks above the column layout created above. (Note the importance of the order of the blocks!)
2. As before, add the OHT Columns block immediately ABOVE the two headings blocks.
3. Clicking Create Columns will layout the Headings as show, you can then edit and style as needed using the individual block settings.

Once the OHT Columns Block has been used to generate a 2-column layout, it is removed from the flow. This prevents further editing of the layout itself, i.e. you can’t simply drag new blocks below one of the columns to add new content. In that case you would need to repeat the process using two content blocks (customer, single post, etc.) along with the Columns Block to generate an additional layout.

However you can click the Duplicate icon on a block in the layout to create a second copy below the first. This new block can then be styled with different content (of the same type of course). For instance a set of images can be placed in the right column with this method (as show at right).

Once the OHT Columns Block has been used to generate a 2-column layout, it is removed from the flow. This prevents further editing of the layout itself, i.e. you can’t simply drag new blocks below one of the columns to add new content. In that case you would need to repeat the process using two content blocks (customer, single post, etc.) along with the Columns Block to generate an additional layout. However you can click the Duplicate icon on a block in the layout to create a second copy below the first. This new block can then be styled with different content (of the same type of course). For instance a set of images can be placed in the right column with this method (as show at right).
You can duplicate blocks already in a column layout to add new blocks without reverting to using the Columns block each time.

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