How do I update my subscription order form?

  1. Log in to your website by clicking the Login button at the top of your newspaper’s homepage.
  2. From your Site Settings menu, click Subscriptions – Subscription Form Settings.
  3. If you need to update your pricing information or form instructions, make the desired change in the Subscription Order Details field.
  4. If you wish to have order notification emails go to a new address, enter it in the Subscription Email Address field.
  5. If you wish to offer additional subscription length options, highlight the appropriate choices in the Subscription Lengthsfield. If you wish to highlight multiple subscription length options, hold down CTRL (Windows) or COMMAND (Mac) and click on each desired length.
  6. If you wish to offer additional subscription types, such as Print Only or Online Only, highlight the appropriate options in theSubscription Categories field. If you wish to highlight multiple subscription type options, hold down CTRL (Windows) or COMMAND (Mac) and click on each desired type.
  7. If you wish to offer additional choices on your form, such as a Senior Discount, you may type each choice into theSubscription Options field. Each choice should be on its own line. For example, if you typed “Senior Discount” into the field, it would show up on your order form as a checkbox that users could select.
  8. If you wish to allow additional credit card types on the order form, highlight the appropriate ones in the Acceptable Credit Card Types field. If you wish to highlight multiple credit card options, hold down CTRL (Windows) or COMMAND (Mac) and click on each desired card.
  9. If you wish to allow your potential subscribers to enter a subscription code in lieu of a credit card number (useful when offering free online subscriptions to your existing print subscribers), enter the code in the Valid Subscription Pattern field. This is an advanced feature, so please contact Our-Hometown if you have any questions.
  10. To save any changes made in the fields above, click Save Configuration at the bottom of the page.
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