Our-Hometown partners with the Illinois Press Association for Digital Initiative

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The Digital Initiative program is growing!

Our-Hometown, Inc. is excited to announce that we’ve partnered with the Illinois Press Association to expand our Digital Initiative to the state of Illinois, bringing modern websites and digital revenue tools for papers in need of an upgrade.

The goal is the same as in Virginia and other states that we’re working to expand the program into: to help newspapers with little-to-no web presence transition to new, mobile-friendly websites that come equipped with all of the tools our platform offers to help increase reader engagement and generate additional revenue.

  • Protect your content with a Paywall and offer Digital Subscriptions to allow readers access.
  • Collect revenue from local businesses who want to advertise on your website, or enroll in the Our-Hometown Ad Network to automatically populate your site with ads.
  • Use our Newsletter and Social Media Autopost features to reach new readers and keep them coming back each time new content is posted.

These are just a few of the ways publishers can use our turn-key model to start generating extra revenue immediately — and it is all available at discounted rates to those who enroll in the Digital Initiative through their Press Association!

We look forward to welcoming all of the publishers in Illinois who will benefit from the program!

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