South Jetty Shines: Staff Wins Multiple Awards
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Staff | Port Aransas South Jetty

South Jetty staff members hold plaques won by the newspaper in the Texas Gulf Coast and South Texas Press associations’ Better Newspaper Contests. Awards were presented at a joint conference of the two organizations in Galveston Thursday through Saturday, April 18-20. Awards were for writing, photography, advertising, design and more.
South Jetty editor Dan Parker, left, was named Photographer of the Year for STPA, and general manager Kelli Hartig, second from right, was elected to the STPA board of directors. Also pictured are, from Parker’s left, co-publishers Mary Henkel Judson and Murray Judson, reporter Kathryn Cargo, Hartig and advertising production chief Elizabeth Weaver. Not pictured are advertising director Keith Petrus, staff writer/ classified ad manager Vivian Carlson and distribution manager Paul Fain. Judging the contests were newspaper professionals from the North & East Texas Press Association and the National Newspaper Association. Work submitted for judging was published in 2023.
Read South Jetty wins at regional contests on the South Jetty website!
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