A Publisher Perspective on Google & Facebook paying for news

A Publisher Perspective on Google & Facebook paying for news
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Last week, Our-Hometown President & CEO Matthew Larson was joined by Cecil Wehrman, publisher of The Crosby Journal and The Tioga Tribune of JournalTrib.com, for a special Publisher Interview where they discussed Australia’s recently-passed legislation requiring Google and Facebook to compensate publishers for using their news.

Cecile had previously published some commentary on the legislation, suggesting it is a situation that publishers in the U.S. should be keeping an eye on. You can read her piece, “Australian case could set the stage” on JournalTrib.com.

If you weren’t able to attend the LIVE Publisher Interview last week, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with a video playlist below, broken down to highlight the key points of the conversation.

After the first video ends, the next one will keep playing automatically — so stay tuned for the full conversation!

Big thanks to Cecile for taking some time out of her busy week to help educate and share her thoughts on the situation.

If you have any questions, or have a topic you’d like to discuss with Matthew in a future Publisher Interview, drop us a line at ops@our-hometown.com!

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