Attention: Password Reset Required!

Attention: Password Reset Required!
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Attention Publishers,

Our-Hometown will be requiring all publishers and other newspaper staff to change their passwords beginning on Thursday, December 10th as part of a routine system-wide security enhancement process. This mandatory password change will be required for any Users that exist on your website with a role other than Subscriber, or in other words, any user with the ability to edit and publish content or otherwise customize the website. Your subscribers will NOT need to change their passwords!

During a year-end review, our engineers discovered that several of these staff accounts exist across our platform with what are considered weak passwords. While there is absolutely no indication that any of these accounts have been compromised, weak passwords do present a potential security risk that we’d prefer to eliminate. In order to do so, we are instituting the following measures over the next few weeks:

  • All websites will require “medium-strength” or higher passwords for new editor and user accounts so that weak passwords cannot be used moving forward.
  • All accounts with a role other than Subscriber will be prompted to Create A New Password that follows the new password-strength requirements the next time they log in.
  • All accounts with a role other than Subscriber that have not logged in during the past six months will have their password automatically reset to a randomly-generated, high-strength password.

Again, to reiterate: your subscribers will not need to change their passwords! This only applies to members of your newspaper’s staff who login to the website with a user role other than Subscriber.

These new password requirements will be rolled out across our platform beginning on Thursday, but will take a couple of weeks before it is rolled out to all customer websites.

We apologize for the inconvenience but thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team at any time by e-mailing

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