Industry Interview: Pason Gaddis of Florida Weekly

Industry Interview: Pason Gaddis of Florida Weekly
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Our-Hometown President & CEO Matthew Larson was recently joined by Pason Gaddis and Jim Dickerson, two-thirds of the leadership team at Florida Media Group, LLC — the publishers behind one of Florida’s largest weekly news magazines, Florida Weekly.

In Part 1 of the Interview, the trio discusses an exciting new project Florida Weekly is working on that involves using touchless mobile displays to feature their own news content in various commercial locations across the state — places like doctors’ offices, hotels and airports!

In Part 2 of the Interview, the focus shifts to Florida Weekly’s mobile website and app, working with Facebook news, and how they plan to utilize Audio content.

Check out Part 2 below!

If you have an interesting topic you’d like to discuss with the Our-Hometown team during a future Industry Interview, please reach out to us at and let us know!

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