Update your Terms of Service today!

Update your Terms of Service today!
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All major payment gateways, including those supported by Our-Hometown’s WordPress Publishing Platform (Stripe, PayPal and Authorize.net) require that your website has established an official Terms of Service or Terms of Sale document outlining the products/services being sold on your website and how the consumer can access them. 

These Terms of Service need to be publicly accessible on your website, and subscribers should be required to Agree to these terms before they are able to purchase a subscription. This protects you from liability should a customer dispute any charges, especially for recurring or automatically renewing subscriptions purchased through the website.

We’ve taken the liberty of drafting a universal Terms of Service that we will be publishing on all websites on our platform in the next few weeks.

Once rolled out, a new page will be created on your website containing the Terms of Service, and a new “Terms of Service” link will appear in the footer of your website and in the mobile menu.

When purchasing or renewing a subscriptions, users will be required to mark a checkbox indicating that they’ve read and agree to your Terms of Service during checkout. They will not be able to subscribe without agreeing.

Click here to View the Default Terms of Service Document

While these generic Terms of Service will offer some protection, we urge ALL publishers to review these Terms at their earliest convenience and update the document to match the products and services offered on your website.

Because this will be an automated rollout, we’re giving publishers the opportunity to provide their own Terms of Service tailored to their website and subscription options ahead of time.

To provide your own Terms of Service, please fill out the form below and attach your Terms of Service document, or simply email it to ops@our-hometown.com and let our support team know!

  • Max. file size: 250 MB.
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