Using Screen Options to Declutter Your Dashboard

This is a quick tutorial on how to use the screen options to declutter your dashboard.

A lot of publishers will show me a page where the layout of the articles just seems to be off (there is a problem with a column being very long in this case).  Most of those problems can be solved by just removing that column from the display.  It doesn’t mean that the information will disappear, you can always get that information by turning the column back on.  But if it’s a column that you don’t use on a regular basis, and it’s just kind of getting in the way, you should probably use the “Screen options” to remove that column’s display.  All you have to do is :

  1.  go to screen options in the upper right hand corner
  2. Uncheck the box next to that column, you’ll see it immediately disappears
  3. Then click apply to save that change.

Now every time you log into the dashboard and go to the articles tab, it will look like this.

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