Event Calendar with User Submitted Events

Event Calendar with User Submitted Events

Our Hometown is able to offer customers an attractive and highly functional Event Calendar System powered by GeoDirectory. An event calendar is a great way to keep your publication involved with the local community by promoting upcoming events happening in the area. You can also invite readers to submit their own events to the calendar, and can even use it as a source of revenue by charging readers or advertisers to have their event featured more prominently.

There are a number of different ways to display events to readers, ranging from a traditional calendar with clickable dates to a dynamic list of events featuring photos and event information. You can set up different areas to display upcoming events, recent events, and even events happening “today.”

Events that contain address information are automatically plotted on a map using Google’s Google Maps API, allowing readers to identify events in their vicinity and easily obtain directions to those a little further away.

On the back end, each event requires a name, date and time, and allows you to enter an event description as well as attach any related photos and graphics. By default, address and location is required as well, but this can be disabled if you don’t wish to use mapping features. 

Visitors are able to submit their own events to the calendar, which then must be approved by an admin or staff member before they’ll appear on the calendar.

Our friend Kristen Weaver from The Wilson County News and The La Vernia News launched a new community calendar website using this system earlier this year called GoWilson360.com. GoWilson360 is an excellent example of how the event calendar can be used effectively to create a tight-knit connection between readers and their community.

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