Introducing our new Business Updates Directory

Introducing our new Business Updates Directory
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The team here at Our-Hometown, Inc feels a responsibility to help our customers deliver relevant information to their readers as quickly as possible during the challenging weeks and months ahead. One area that we feel has been lacking amidst all of the chaos is the streamlining of information from local businesses and their operating status. With so many businesses, restaurants, bars, and offices either closed entirely or scaling back their hours or services, getting that information to members of the community is absolutely paramount. Our new product aims to assist with this issue: the Business Updates Directory.

Our developers and engineers were able to re-purpose our existing business directory platform to create this new “Business Updates” format, allowing local businesses to post real-time updates to the website. These updates can contain information such as new hours of operation, special precautions they are taking to keep customers safe, or whether or not a particular service is available. The latest updates are displayed in a feed on the homepage, but readers can click to view the entire list of updates, or can search for updates from a specific business.

Each Business Update listing doubles as a Profile Page for that business, allowing the poster to add photos, logos, contact information, and more along with their update.

Each update is also plotted on a map on the homepage so readers can quickly identify changes to business in their area.

For a full list of features and information on how you can implement one of these directories for your community today, visit our Business Updates Directory Product Page.

A live example of our Business Updates Directory is now available: CLICK HERE

Meanwhile, we have been working closely with to launch the BETA version of their COVID-19 Business Updates Directory.

Florida Weekly has invited businesses from all over the state to create an account and add their listing, and have already generated an impressive directory of updates. The many communities they serve throughout the state of Florida will benefit greatly from the work they are doing.

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