Adding an article

Step 1.

First, log in to your website by clicking the "Login" button at the top of your newspaper's homepage.

A "Site Settings" menu will appear.

Under "Content" in the Site Settings menu, click on the "Articles" button.

Step 2.

We'll focus on adding a completely new story. If you want to edit an article that already exists, click "edit" & follow the same instructions.

Click "Add a new story".

You can also select "Add a new story" from the front page or any category page. 

Step 3.

Fill in your article's title, sub-heading (if any) & author or authors.

Then select which edition date this story belongs to and what category it belongs in.

If you want to publish this story immediately, select "yes" in the "Publish" dropdown.  If you want to save it to publish later, select "no".

Then click over to the "Body" tab. 

Step 4.

Copy & paste the full text of your story into the editor within the body tab.

Make any necessary edits.

Click "Save Story". 

If you have any photos or images to add to the article, once you click "Save Story", the "Add Photo" option will become visible.

Step 5.

If you have an image to add, click "Add New Image" 

Select the image you'd like to use by clicking "Choose File" & finding the folder on your computer, and double-clicking it.

Add a caption for the image, if you have one.

Select the Edition & Category.

Click "Add Image".

There may be a slight delay as the image uploads.

Once you are returned to the "body" tab, you'll see the image available to use in your article.

Step 6.

Your uploaded image will now show as available to use.

A dropdown menu is underneath it. 

From there, you can select where you want to insert the image into your article.

You can also choose to rotate, edit, or delete the image from this dropdown.

Select to insert the image left, right or full, into you article. 

The very first story in your article is usually used as the thumbnail on category pages, including the front page.  You can also select "do not use on index" if you would like to use a different image instead.

Step 7.

Once you select where you want your image in your story, it will appear in the body editor above.

If you want to move the story to the left or right side, you can click the image & then click the alignment options above.

If you want to move the image up or down within the text, simply click the image & drag it where you want it to be. 

This picture will be shown on the front page & category pages with your story's teaser.

Once you have your image set, click back to the "details" tab.


Step 8.

You will see a "teaser" editor, which has pulled in the beginning of your story.

If you would like to edit this content to be shorter, or to show different information, you can.

There is a limit to how much information is shown so be sure not to be make it too long. 

Your image will not show in this box, only in the "body" tab's editor. But don't worry, it will be part of your published teaser & article.

Step 9.

Before you publish an article, there are a few options you can select in the "Publish Options" box at the bottom of the "details" tab.

If your content is behind a paywall, you can select to make content available for free. 

If your content is already free, you do not need to worry about selecting this.

If you want to publish a story as "breaking news", which will show at the top of the page & be labelled as breaking news, you can select this options as well.

You also choose to turn comments on or off in the "Comment Settings" tab. 

Once you have made any of these changes if necessary, or if there is no need to change any of these settings, Click "Save Story"

If you set "Publish" to "yes", the story will go live. If it is set to "no" your article will be saved under "Articles".