We know you have a set of colors you tend to use with your business – your logo colors, complementary colors to support them in your text, headings, and in other various ways.
If you don’t know what colors you want to use on your website, we recommend first, finding out what colors you use (if you don’t already know).
http://eye-dropper.kepi.cz/ is a great Google Chrome extension that let’s you use it’s eyedropper tool to see what colors are being used on any website.
You can also use the eyedropper tool in Adobe Photoshop to figure our your colors’ hexcodes.
Once you have these, you can use a website, such as http://www.colorhexa.com/
Enter your hexcode and search, and it will take you to a page with recommended color schemes, as well as a list of shades, tints and tones related to your color.
Moving your mouse over any of these colors will show you the associated hexcode. You can then copy & paste this code to use in your custom CSS, in the color tab of the Our Hometown customizer so you can select font colors, backgrounds, and more, and create a site that represents your brand without using the exact same colors as everyone else.