Our Hometown’s themes have easily changeable font options built-in to each theme for:
- Body Font
- Widget Heading Font (CSS class = widget-title)
- Site Logo Font
- Main Navigation Font
- Secondary Navigation Font
- Heading / Title Fonts
Built-in Body Font Options:
- Times New Roman
- Arial / Helvetica
- Georgia
- Palatino
- Lucia Sans
- Tahoma / Geneva
- Trebuchet MS
- Verdana / Geneva
- Courier
- Lucida Console / Monaco
- Roboto
- Monserrat
- Amiri
- Slabo
- Cantata One
- Quicksand
- Special Elite
- Paytone One
- Alfa Slab One
Built-in Widget Heading, Site Logo, Main & Secondary Navigation & Heading / Title Font Options:
- Times New Roman
- Arial / Helvetica
- Georgia
- Palatino
- Lucia Sans
- Tahoma / Geneva
- Trebuchet MS
- Verdana / Geneva
- Courier
- Lucida Console / Monaco
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Monserrat
- Amiri
- Slabo
- Cantata One
- Fredericka the Great
- Oswald
- Pacifico
- Quicksand
- Baloo
- Diplomata SC
- Abril Fatface
- Righteous
- Permanent Marker
- Bangers
- Fredoka One
- Marck Script
- Special Elite
- Limelight
- Cinzel Decorative
- Graduate
- Paytone One
- Alfa Slab One