
Tagging Articles in the PDF Edition

Our-Hometown’s PDF Pageviewer allows you to tag content from a PDF page with story content from existing WordPress Articles. This way, anyone viewing the PDF could click an article headline and be presented with a full-text version of the article, creating a fluid interactive experience for readers. For Full Service customers using our extraction service, this is automatically done by our software during extraction and processing. For Self-Service customers and those not […]

Adjusting Margins of E-Edition Sliders

Use the following code to apply margins to the e-edition slider: .oht-slider–special .oht-slide-content, .oht-slider-thumbnails-right .oht-slider-pager a { padding:30px; }

Adding a PDF (E-Edition or Special Section)

If you are using out e-edition (interactive or static) or need to upload a special section, please follow the following instructions.*If you are simply uploading a PDF document for user access / download, you only need to upload the PDF to the media library & grab the link URL to link to.Find “PDF” on the backend menu or on the “Add New” menu on the front end of your website. […]

Uploading an e-Edition PDF

Locate the “PDFs” menu item on your dashboard menu.*If you do not see this section, you have not added our interactive eEdition to your Our Hometown plan. Please contact sales@our-hometown.com to sign up for our interactive eEdition.Select “Add New” to add a new eEdition or Special Section to our interactive PDF viewer. Enter your Edition Date or Name in the “Editions” box on the right-hand side.  Enter a standard publication […]