
Customizer > Menu Management

Each Our Hometown theme has a number of prebuilt locations available for menus.  Menus can also be placed in any available widget area, but the prebuilt areas have additional styling applied to them. Available menu spots include: “Main Menu” is your main menu area. “Secondary Menu” is the space below that. Left Utility and Right Utility are the 2 menu areas on the top fixed bar (if you have that […]

Logo Image

It is not often thought about, but eventually there may come a time when you will need to change the logo on your website. Maybe you’ve undergone a total re-brand. Maybe you’ve just changed your color scheme. Or, maybe you just like to shake things up with some seasonally-themed artwork in the header. Whatever the reason, changing your logo is extremely easy! Simply navigate to your homepage and activate the […]

Hiding WordPress Authors on Article Pages

Most customers prefer to hide the “WordPress Author” field from their article pages in favor of the standard Byline that is extracted from the PDF edition. The WordPress Author is the WordPress user who published the article on the website, and will usually display as (or the e-mail for whatever user published the article) unless they have changed this setting in their profile page. For full service customers, there […]

Customizer > Site Colors

Site colors can be chosen on the Site Colors tab under the Customizer, either using hex codes or a draggable color selector. If you need to do more customized colors for specific areas of the site, you can also apply colors via the Custom CSS section.

Customizer > Logo & Image Options

Each theme contains varying logo options. Bernard contains a main menu and footer section logo. Clementine contains a mobile / fixed header menu logo and a main logo. Ford contains a left-aligned header menu spot and a main menu spot. You can also place images in the footer widget areas to add additional logo positions in the footer.

Customizer > Themes

Our Hometown offers a variety of themes, that differs slightly from theme to theme.  Most of the differences can be seen in the header and menu designs.  All layouts and widgets and slider styles are available across all themes. All sites are extremely customizable though.  Talk with your Our Hometown representative about which theme will work best for your needs and about your styling options.

Customizer > Fonts

Our Hometown’s themes have easily changeable font options built-in to each theme for: Body Font Widget Heading Font (CSS class = widget-title) Site Logo Font Main Navigation Font Secondary Navigation Font Heading / Title Fonts Built-in Body Font Options: Times New Roman Arial / Helvetica Georgia Palatino Lucia Sans Tahoma / Geneva Trebuchet MS Verdana / Geneva Courier Lucida Console / Monaco Roboto Monserrat Amiri Slabo Cantata One Quicksand Special […]

Adding a Google Font for use

If you aren’t a fan of the fonts available in the Customizer fonts section, you are more than welcome to pick and implement any of the thousands of fonts available at Google Fonts ( ) Once you select your font or fonts, you’ll want to click the gray header at the bottom right of the screen. It will pop up and show you all your selects. The easiest way to […]

Picking a Color Scheme

We know you have a set of colors you tend to use with your business – your logo colors, complementary colors to support them in your text, headings, and in other various ways. If you don’t know what colors you want to use on your website, we recommend first, finding out what colors you use (if you don’t already know). is a great Google Chrome extension that let’s you […]