Memberpress > Importing Memberships

Memberships CSV Format

Required Columns:

  • name — Name of the Membership. Can be any small string of text.
  • price — Price of the Membership. Can be any number in decimal format without a currency symbol — for example: 5.99 …
  • period — Number of weeks, months or years. Can be any valid whole number if the period_type=’months’ or period_type=’weeks’ but anything else, this can only be 1.
  • period_type — This is the period type. Can be ‘weeks’, ‘months’, ‘years’ or ‘lifetime’.

Optional Columns:

  • trial — Sets whether or not the Membership has a trial period. Can be 1 for true or 0 for false. Defaults to 0.
  • trial_days — Number of days the trial will last. Can be any whole number. Defaults to 0.
  • trial_amount — The amount that will be charged to start the trial. Can be any number in decimal format without a currency symbol — for example: 5.99 …
  • group_id — The group_id (which should already exist in MemberPress) of the group that the Membership should belong to. Must be the ID of a valid memberpress group. Defaults to 0 (which indicates no group).